Katrina Petrenko
I have just finished reading your book: “Secrets to running a lucrative temp desk” and, provided the opportunity you left at the end of the book (ie your email address!), I thought I would reach out and get in touch to thank you! I found the book very inspirational, easy to read and understand and relate to and most importantly it felt like I was sitting in on a great training/seminar session! What a great read and so much to take on, so many logical steps and thinking about this industry. Sometimes you get so caught up in everyday errands and administration of running a desk (among other underlying factors that keep you busy all day!) that you can forget to take a step back to think about the value adding side of things… Or maybe you are never really taught to always have that as a priority and forefront of all your business practices? Your perspective is truly recruitment CONSULTING. And I love it.